Did you know that about 70% of households have mold in a crawlspace? It can grow anywhere that’s dark and humid, making your crawlspace the perfect breeding ground.
Of course, there are ways to control its growth. Before you can take the proper measures, you’ve got to locate it.
The good news is that mold in a crawl space makes itself known in obvious ways. A musty smell will spread throughout your entire home, and you and your family may begin to experience debilitating allergy symptoms.
Depending on the level of the mold infestation, your floors might start to sag, and your drywall could rot. That’s only the beginning. If you suspect mold is present, it’s essential to seek professional help for mold remediation in Chicago area. Check out this guide for more signs to look out for!
1. Musty Smell
The most obvious sign that you have a mold problem is the smell. Moisture and mold often cause the wooden structures within your crawl space to decay.
The smell will work its way up through the floorboards of your home and spread. No matter how thorough you are with your spring cleaning, you won’t be able to get rid of the odor.
Don’t ignore the smell and put off calling a crawl space mold removal service. If you do, the problem will only get worse.
2. Allergy Symptoms
If you’re allergic to mold, you’ll be in absolute misery until you have your crawl space cleaned. It will be as if you’re experiencing an upper respiratory infection around the clock.
A few common symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, cough, postnasal drip, sore throat, and skin irritation. Depending on how sensitive you are to mold, your allergies could become debilitating.
3. Toxic Mold Syndrome
Allergies are the least of your worries. You could develop toxic mold syndrome, a serious condition caused by exposure to toxic mold.
This syndrome can lead to memory loss, confusion, insomnia, anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, and loss of appetite.
The good news is that toxic mold syndrome is rare. However, it does warrant a trip to the doctor. Set up an appointment with your regular physician and hire professional Chicago mold removal services right away to address the issue effectively.
4. House Damage
Once your mold infestation reaches a certain point, it can begin to cause severe damage to your home. Since it eats away at organic materials such as wood, mold can make your floors sag.
It will ruin your carpet fabric and deteriorate your drywall. Your colorful wallpaper will fade and start to peel. If your mold problem is allowed to reach a certain point, your ceilings and floors could collapse on you.
If you don’t address the issue immediately, the damage may not be reversed.
5. Mold in Your HVAC System
If you have mold in your crawl space, there’s a good chance that it will spread to your HVAC system. It will travel around from duct to duct, setting off your allergies.
Once mold gets in your HVAC system, it can become difficult to get out. You’ll have to enlist the help of the professionals.
As far as spotting it goes, you’ll notice the mold sitting around the outside of your vents. Your furniture and cabinets will feel damp, and you’ll smell a musty odor around your home.
6. Pests
Have you seen more pests than usual in your crawl space? They had to of gotten in somehow. Chances are, it was through an opening that rainwater could also get in through.
Rainwater leads to moisture, which leads to mold. Check around the outside of your home to look for places where insects and other pests can make their way in.
7. High Utility Bill
Did your monthly water bill send your jaw dropping to the floor? If it’s unusually high, you most likely have a pipe leak.
A leak can cause mold to grow within your crawl space. Leaks can be tricky to spot. Most of the time, they show themselves as water spots on the ceilings and walls.
Sometimes, if you’re quiet enough, you can hear them. If you don’t hear them, you will feel them. Leaks can cause your water pressure to decline significantly.
If the leak is in your crawl space, you’ll see water stains around your baseboards.
Preventing Mold Growth
The key to preventing mold growth is simple. Don’t let the humidity levels in your crawl space exceed 50%.
You can accomplish this with a vapor barrier. Its job is to act as a shield between the damp ground and the floor of your crawl space. If installed correctly, it will keep moisture to a minimum.
Air circulation is another important factor. Your vapor barrier won’t work without the help of your crawl space vents.
If you continue to see condensation and other signs of moisture, invest in one or two dehumidifiers. If you don’t already have gutters, now is the time to have them installed. They direct water away from your home and keep it out of your crawl space.
Schedule regular inspections. A professional can spot the danger signs of mold in a crawlspace early and handle any potential problems before they get out of hand.
Spot the Signs of Mold in a Crawlspace Early
Mold in a crawlspace can spread around an entire home. It will make its way into the HVAC system and deteriorate drywall.
If left unchecked, it can even cause ceilings and floors to collapse. On top of causing irreversible structural damage, it can also make the home’s occupants sick.
Don’t let it get to that point. If you suspect you have mold in your crawl space, The Clean UP Guys professional restoration and cleanup services can help. Contact us today to schedule a service.